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Subject: FW: [security-services] Call for work item owners


Jeff T. and I are willing to work on W-20 itemized below by the SAML
group. Does anyone else want to help?
We can send a msg to Eve Maler saying we are volunteering. Clearly the
more known about both SAML and
ebXML Messaging the better!


-----Original Message-----
From: Eve L. Maler [mailto:eve.maler@sun.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 10:50 AM
To: security-services@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [security-services] Call for work item owners
Importance: Low

I have attached the next draft of the scope/work items document (because

I can't get to the members-only SAML home page to upload it) -- thanks 
to Scott for reorienting it and fleshing it out some more.  I've 
numbered all the candidate work items, even though the order and 
grouping may not be perfect.  Please take a look and sign yourself up as

an "owner" of unassigned items that interest you; a few already have

W-1  Session Support
W-2  Identity Federation
W-3  Metadata and Exchange Protocol (Jahan?)
W-4  Protocol Enhancements
W-5  SSO Profile Enhancements
W-6  Proxied SSO
W-7  Introduction Protocol
W-8  Authentication Context
W-9  XML Encryption
W-10 Back Office Profiles
W-11 Mid-Tier Usage
W-12 Attribute Retrieval Enhancement
W-13 Hierarchical Privilege Delegation ](Krishna has suggested
W-14 SAML Server Trust                 ] combining these --
W-15 Delegation and Intermediaries     ] sign up for them together?)
W-16 Multi-Participant Transactional Workflows (Scott, RLBob, Jeff) 
W-17 Credentials Collector and Assertions (Tim, Jeff) 
W-18 SASL Support 
W-19 HTTP Binding (Scott) 
W-20 ebMS Binding 
W-21 Baseline Attribute Namespace (Scott, RLBob) 
W-22 Assertion Caching 
W-23 Security Workflow 
W-24 Privacy and Anonymity 
W-25 Kerberos Support (John Hughes) 
W-26 Dependency Audit (Prateek) 
W-27 Security Analysis Enhancements 
W-28 XACML-Proposed Changes

Here's what is expected of work item owners:

We intend to take a use-case-based approach for each new area of 
functionality. The owner(s) for each candidate work item will be 
expected to make a proposal containing at least one use case and 
definitions of any new terms.  On acceptance of a use case, the owner(s)

will be expected to make a proposal for SAML technology that solves the 
use case.  In the work item table below, the following status values are

O Candidate work item
	o	Unassigned
	o	Waiting for use case proposal
	o	Considering use case proposal
	o	Rejected
O Active work item (if a candidate work item was accepted)
	o	Waiting for solution proposal
	o	Considering solution proposal
	o	Solution incorporated
O Request for enhancement (presumes that the request came as the result 
of a real use case)
	o	Waiting for proposal
	o	Considering proposal
	o	Disposition made (can be accepted, accepted with
modifications, or 
rejected; we also need to communicate the disposition back to the
requester) ========

Okay folks, go for it!  We don't have to assign owners to everything; 
whatever doesn't attract an owner probably isn't worth working on.  But 
if we get owners assigned to the interesting stuff by the next telecon, 
we'll be making good progress.

Oh, and yell if we've missed any obvious work items.

Eve Maler                                        +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems                            cell +1 781 354 9441
Web Products, Technologies, and Standards    eve.maler @ sun.com
SunNetwork 2003 Conference and Pavilion  http://www.sun.com/sunnetwork
September 16-18, 2003                    Moscone Center, San Francisco
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