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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] New F2F Date proposal

Hi Ian
Hi ebMS team


I got a work contract with Cyclone Commerce which involves ebXML, of
course :)

So I will join you at the ebXML Message Service Face 2 Face meeting in
London, September 29th til October 1st.

I do not need a room at one of the listed hotels as I got already an


Some might know that I was doing a masters research in Computer Science
at Curtin University where I was looking at the ebXML Collaboration
Protocol Agreement formation process. That included the CPA composition
process (algorithmical check of 2 CPP's for a CPA) and the CPA
negotiation (based on the Automated Negotiation of Collaboration
Protocol Agreement Specification, current version 0.10).

In the CPA negotiation prototype implementation I had to pass ebXML
information, eg ebXML messages with negotiation messages as payload.
Because I was not focusing on "messaging"; I actually sent programming
language (ruby) objects between two parties. Reason there was no
language objects to XML mapping library available at that time.

So from now on I have to work with real ebXML messaging.


Sacha Schlegel

Am Donnerstag, den 19.08.2004, 16:14 +0100 schrieb ian.c.jones@bt.com:
> Team,
> 	after yesterdays call, I have investigated rescheduling the Face to Face in London Wednesday to Friday September 29 to October 1.  I have identified a suitable location for the meeting with 2 possible hotels.  One hotel (Jurys Inn Islington) is almost opposite approximately 2 minutes walk (you have to cross a major road!) but it does not have High speed access for approx 100GBP approx US $185 per night.  The second hotel (Thistle City Barbican) is approximately 15 minutes walk but does have full high speed access and is slightly more expensive as the Internet access is not included, it is located between 3 different underground stations so it is still a 5 minute plus walk to them, or a short taxi ride with a miserable London Cabbie because it is only 5 minutes to the meeting. (London Black Cab drivers are wonderful people, especially if you ask them to take you at least 15 miles!!)  Both of the hotels prices are a bit erratic depending on where you look, direct, expedia, London Hotel discount sites etc.
> 	If we want to go ahead with these dates and people express a preference I'll see if I can arrange a small number of rooms for us.
> 	The meeting rooms will not have plug in internet access for security reasons but I can arrange conference call facilities if we need, a dedicated notebook PC which can access the internet and probably dialup access.  I need to confirm as it depends on the exact room(s) we use.
> 	The date will allow anyone wishing to attend the OASIS Adoption Forum or TC meetings in Brussels to join the events together.  
> http://www.jurys-london-hotels.com/jurysinn_london
> http://www.thistle.co.uk
> 	Fianl note this is about as good a deal as we will get in London until the new year as these prices will stay constant until Christmas and will go up for occasional periods.
> Ian Jones
> Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC 
> Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com 
> To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/members/leave_workgroup.php.

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