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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Pull Module


In the Pull messaging document, I meant to allow
to send multiple ebXML messages in a single
pull connection.

However, I didn't notice the discussion and the
decision done at the F2F meeting. So I believe
the pull spec should be updated to compliant with
the decision. In other words, the Pull response
should include only one ebXML message.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Turpin" <jturpin@cyclonecommerce.com>
To: <ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Pull Module

> Sorry I missed the call last week. You may have already discussed this on
> last weeks call, but I have some questions on the Pull Module document.
> my initial reading, the Pull Module document describes "pulling" a single
> ebXML Message with multiple payloads. However, some of the Pull Module
> elements such as MaxMessages and NumOfMessages refer to "Messages". Do
> elements actually refer to the number of payloads/attachments or the
> of ebXML Messages? In the F-2-F in London, we initially defined the Pull
> Module as a single business message MEP. This meaning that the
> would be a single ebXML Message containing one or more
> which all belong to a single business process identified by the Service
> Action element values. All the payloads in this message are identified by
> the single MessageId value in the PullResponse message. It is unclear to
> if this is Iwasa's intention in his document. One reason I ask is that in
> his PullAcknowledgment example he has included a WS-Reliablility response
> which appears to be replying for all the payloads in the PullResponse
> message??? I guess I just want to be clear on what he is defining as a
> Message and what he is defining as a Payload. Cheers!
> Jeff Turpin
> Cyclone Commerce, Inc.
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