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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] A first assessment of ebMS profiling for AS2

Yes, the One-Way/Push (sync and async) are what we are thinking, but we also have a end-user use case where we would need to the Two-Way/Push-and-Push (asynchronous only) MEP as well.

There will be a few areas where we will be *extending* or provide value-add above and beyond the core AS2 functional requirements.

Durand, Jacques R. wrote:
0D4373E9E1236F42AB63FD6B5B306AA33F3970@SV-EXCHANGE.fjcs.net" type="cite">
more inline <JD>

From: Timothy Bennett [mailto:timothy@drummondgroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 2:01 PM
To: Durand, Jacques R.
Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] A first assessment of ebMS profiling for AS2

I think we try to use the ebMS MEP(s) as much as possible.  There's only a couple of these that we interested in "out-of-the-box" 
<JD> It may be that the One-Way/Push (and all its flavors) might be sufficient. Technically that also covers the case of async MDNs, as MDNs will likely be mapped as "eb Signals" (eb:Receipt) and these do not count as first class messages in the abstract eb MEP definitions - they are just part of the execution mode of the MEP.

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