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Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Some ebms-level routing use cases?

General business-level description:
Public e-Procurement in Europe.  Companies providing services to governments in their own countries will use the national messaging infrastructure (several emerging, may or may not use ebMS) to send invoices, receive orders etc. using a regional subset of UBL.  Companies providing servives to governments in foreign countries will need a way to "bridge" between the two national infrastructures.
Cross-border messaging using a transformation point That transformation point may act as an ebMS intermediary (if both countries use ebMS and there is end-to-end messaging, reliability and security, routing) or it may be an ebMS endpoint (repackaging the UBL business document using a different, non-ebMS infrastructure if the other country does not use ebMS).
Routing function:
from companies to transformation point:  the eb:PartyId/@type would indicate that the eb:To organization is in a different country, and which country. From the transformation point to the To party based on eb:PartyId/text() 
Communication constraints:
Evolution profile:
countries may open up to cross-border messaging in different speeds. Within each country there could be hundreds of thousands or more companies.

From: Durand, Jacques R. [mailto:JDurand@us.fujitsu.com]
Sent: 11 March 2008 04:01
To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Some ebms-level routing use cases?

In order to make things more concrete, could we line up at least 3 use cases that involve ebMS-level routing?
I'll start with the following one:
General business-level description:
- A large number of "branches" (e.g.  from of a global business) e.g. in the thousands across the world, need to send messages to a small set of global, specialized servers. The servers are selected based on eb:Service/eb:Action content. They never need to get anything back from these servers, except some signals (errors, receipts).
- networked gateways model. Each branch has its ebMS MSH. Branches are grouped in many regional clusters with each cluster sharing the same immediate (Gateway)intermediary. Other intermediaries might be involved before the message reaches its destination MSH for this Service provider.
Routing function:
- from Branches to the Service providers: based on ebMS header content: eb:Service/eb:Action.
Communication constraints:
- Branches are not addressable. Can only push, or pull. The branches only use One-way / Push MEPs for invoking the servers. Need to pull the "Signals".
Evolution profile:
- every week, new branches are created, some disappear.

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