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Subject: FW: Statements of Use from Fujitsu


-----Original Message-----
From: SHIMAMURA Makiko [mailto:maki.shimamura@jp.fujitsu.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:29 PM
To: Jacques Durand; ian.c.jones@bt.com
Cc: jikeitou-std-contact@ml.css.fujitsu.com; SHIMAMURA Makiko
Subject: Statements of Use from Fujitsu

Dear Ian Jones and Jacques Durand,

I am sending this mail to you on behalf of Hiroshi Yoshida
who is the Primary representative of Fujitsu for OASIS.

Here is Fujitsu's Statements of Use:

  We Fujitsu declare to have implemented successfully
  the ebMS3 profile "AS4" in its "ebHandler" version,
  specified in the committee specification 01 titled:
  "AS4 Profile of ebMS V3", approved on November 30, 2009.

  We have also implemented successfully the ebMS V3 profile
  "Gateway RM V3" as described in the committee specification
  01 titled:
  "OASIS ebXML Messaging Services 3.0 Conformance Profiles",
  approved on November 30, 2009.

  These have been implemented in our open-source message handler
  "Holodeck" (http://holodeck-b2b.sourceforge.net/docs/)

If you have any problems, please let me know.

Best Regards,
Makiko Shimamura

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