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Subject: AS4 for ISO 20022

Hi David,

I'm not aware of any profiling for ISO 20022 in the sense you describe below.   There are many other messaging protocols in financial services (FIX, PeSIT, EBICS etc.) as well as platform solutions and the only interest we got in ebXML in the past was for ebBP,  not messaging.  Financial services often like AMQP rather than SOAP-based protocols. 

There is ISO 20022 6 Transport Characteristics 2009, which specifies requirements, architecture and principles for messaging. You can buy it at the ISO site. I reviewed it a few years ago to see if/how ebMS3 could address their requirements, and it does quite well, but there are some functional gaps,  in particular regarding the following concepts:

- Conversation Synchronous
- Delivery Order
- Delivery Windows
- Sending Windows
- Multicast and Broadcast Casting

Kind Regards,


On 08/11/2015 03:19 AM, David Tuke wrote:
I do have a query re AS4 & ISO Standards based Messaging


Has any work been done on combining ISO 20022 Message Payloads with AS4 – can anyone point me to a suitable reference for this;

Eg usages of AS4 Collaboration settings; part properties etc and mapping of the Business header to AS4 ebMS fields


I am after any pre-existing “canonical” standards in this area.




David Tuke

Enterprise Architect


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