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Subject: How is the paper an interface, gateway, to the web of data?


SePublica2012 an ESWC2012 Workshop.  May 27-31, Heraklion, Greece.

At Sepublica we want to explore the future of scholarly communication and scientific publishing. As we are going through a transition between print media and Web media, Sepublica aims to provide researchers with a venue in which this future can be shaped. Consider research publications: Data sets and code are essential elements of data intensive research, but these are absent when the research is recorded and preserved by way of a scholarly journal article. Or consider news reports: Governments increasingly make public sector information available on the Web, and reporters use it, but news reports very rarely contain fine-grained links to such data sources.  At Sepublica we will discuss and present new ways of publishing, sharing, linking, and analyzing such scientific resources as well as reasoning over the data to discover new links  and scientific insights.

Workshop Format

We are planning to have a full day workshop with two main sessions. During the first part of the workshop accepted papers will be presented; the second part of the workshop will address by means of focus groups two main questions, namely “what do we want the future of scholarly communication to be?”  and “how could data be preserved and delivered in an interactive manner over scholarly communications?”. These focus groups will be followed by a panel discussion. As an outcome of these activities we will have a communique that will be the editorial for the workshop proceedings,



* workshop papers submission deadline: Feb 29

* workshop papers acceptance notification: April 1

* workshop papers camera ready: April 15



Research papers are limited to 12 pages and position papers to 5 pages. For system/demo descriptions, a paper of minimum 2 pages, maximum 5 pages should be submitted. Late-breaking news should be one page maximum. All papers and system descriptions should be formatted according to the LNCS format.  For submissions that are not in the LNCS PDF format, 400 words count as one page. Submissions that exceed the page limit will be rejected without review.

Depending on the number and quality of submissions, authors might be invited to present their papers during a poster session.

The author list does not need to be anonymized, as we do not have a double-blind review process in place.

Submissions will be peer reviewed by three independent reviewers; late-breaking news get a light review w.r.t. their relevance by two reviewers. Accepted papers have to be presented at the workshop (requires registering for the ESWC conference and the workshop).

Issues to be addressed

Applications and Use Cases:

Alexander Garcia
Florida State University Visiting Professor 

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