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Subject: Inviting you to the eGov Workshop & Member Section Meeting

Dear Members of the OASIS eGov Member Section,

This is a reminder that the eGov Workshop will be held as part of the 
OASIS Symposium on May 1 2008 in Santa Clara, Claifornia. The theme of 
the Workshop is eID and Citizen-centric Administration.
You can find the programme and details on the OASIS website

I very much hope that as many members of the eGMS will participate if 
you can get to Calaifornia. The Symposium this year is focussed on 
Composability in Web Services, and this is a subject that is likely to 
become increasingly important in the public sector too.

You have already demonstrated your interest in eGov by joining the OASIS 
eGMS. I very much hope you will get involved in our activities and 
contribute your ideas to the development of the work programme. Changes 
in technology challenge governments to be innovative and creative in 
building e-government solutions and increasingly the public sector is 
looking for partnership with major tech vendors and systems integrators 
to find solutions to their most pressing problems. We hope that many 
from the private enterprise sector will participate in the eGMS as well 
as governmental representatives.

The eGMS will hold a plenary meeting after the Workshop. This is 
scheduled at 4.00 p.m. local time, and we hope to review the planned 
World Program for 2008-9. Please come and add your own views to the 
discussion and influence the shape of what we can do together.

I very much hope to see you there,
Best wishes,
Carol Cosgrove-Sacks
Senior Advisor on International Standards Policy & eGov Convenor,

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