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Subject: RE: FYI: Kantara Initiative eGov Work Group formed

Maybe a bit early John..


The Charter gives an indication of the sorts of work it has carried over from the old Liberty eGov group (Liberty Alliance and its eGov group hang up their boots on December 31st), and that is SAML conformance-oriented. 


With new members, new ideas may come.


But for now we should keep regular lines of communication open and see what opportunities present themselves.






From: John Borras [mailto:John@pensive.eu]
Sent: Friday, 4 September 2009 8:01 p.m.
To: 'egov-ms@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: [egov-ms] RE: FYI: Kantara Initiative eGov Work Group formed




Thanks for this and good luck to the new group.  In practical terms is therefore anything we can start planning with the new group, eg joint projects, white papers, workshops etc, or is it too early for any of that?




From: Colin Wallis [Colin.Wallis@dia.govt.nz]
Sent: 03 September 2009 23:23
To: 'egov-ms@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: [egov-ms] FYI: Kantara Initiative eGov Work Group formed



FYI, the Kantara Initiative Leadership Council has issued a Call for Participation in its eGovernment Work Group (eGov WG) for operations. This group seeks to coordinate efforts with the OASIS eGov Member Section by...


The eGov WG home page and charter can be found here:



I can answer any questions or queries of a general nature for you







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