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Subject: RE: [egov-ms] Feedback on DC IDM workshop slides


Wonderful deck and great comic pictures.  Is this a cloud presentation?!

To Larry's point - the Big 6 consulting sales machines may finally have painted themselves into a corner - where do you go next after cloud computing - pervasive computing or maybe even invisible computing?!?

Not sure how much time OASIS have given you - but that's a lot of material to present - probably twice what you can get thru in 30 minutes - even if you talk is distributed thru the cloud on 5 channels simultaneously - really really fast!

Thanks, DW

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [egov-ms] Feedback on DC IDM workshop slides
From: "Giles Hogben" <Giles.Hogben@enisa.europa.eu>
Date: Mon, September 21, 2009 5:02 am
To: <egov-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>

Dear All,
I will present at the e-Gov working group at the OASIS IDM workshop in DC next week and will be introduced as a member of our working group. I would like to ask you if you have any comments on my slides or messages you think should be emphasised. Unfortunately I will need comments by tomorrow morning (Europe) as I will be working on the voiceover tomorrow. (I will be sending a voiceover of the attached slides since I cannot attend in person.)

FYI the presentation brief is as follows:

* Cloud nine? Assessing the Risks in Cloud Computing

How can you tell if your cloud provider is secure? One of the biggest problems for cloud providers is how to assure customers they are secure without having to let every company audit their infrastructure. ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency) is preparing a report on the key cloud security risks and ways of addressing them with the help of a group technical and legal experts including many major cloud providers. This talk will look at the security risks and benefits and how to address them.

Best Regards,


Giles Hogben
Network Security Policy Expert
European Network & Information Security Agency (ENISA)
Tel: +30 2810 391892
Fax: +30 2810 39000

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