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Subject: RE: [egov-ms] OASIS eGov Member Section - Work Plan 2011
John: Firstly, thanks for the work on this and giving such a clear document to work from and comment upon. I have a number of remarks: Goal 1.2: I will have an opportunity to follow up with WCO in Mid-December and/or early January, particularly regarding their request for support on their “Single Window Environment” project and the relationship with SOA. As I’ve just been landed with part editorship of the SOA ‘Reference Architecture Framework’, such discussions will be timely and mutually beneficial. Goal 2.2 #1: I’d be happy to contribute work on this, including from the EC-funded ‘MiREG’ project that we both worked on a few years back. I could imagine putting an initial set of ideas together for 2Q2011 Goal 2.2 #3: Some of us will be attending the EU conference on Open Government taking place in Brussels mid-December. We could talk during that even about some initial ideas here, how they overlap (or don’t) with the TGF TC. Goal 2.4: As some of you know, there are discussions under way between the OASIS Board and the LegalXML member section about their future work. One potentially interesting and valuable area of work of possible common interest concerns markup of parliamentary texts – from initial legislative proposals through the whole chain of parliamentary consideration, amendments, conciliation of texts, to publication of legal instruments (laws, directives, etc). There is much material available that could jump start a specific initiative here – an interesting observation made by Monica Palmirani, on the LegalXML MS steering group, is that this might be an area where stakeholders (particularly parliamentary services) might want to develop work without and outside of “eGov”. Anyway, there is potentially a whole debate around this and we should see what LegalXML might propose and how, in light of that, this MS should respond. Goal 3.3: (Workshop on interop of doc formats)Given our discussion with the European Commission last month, we might want to look at how they could be involved as co-sponsor, etc. of this: it is an area upon which they did a lot of work already. Goal 3.3 (GreenIT action plan) #4: If we are limiting ourselves purely to guidance to governments on the RoI of the UEFI standard, fine. We may want to discuss this with the UEFI consortium that has developed the standard. Goal 4.3 #2 ‘Standards Ontology’: Given the work being done on the SOA Reference Architecture Framework and in the Transformational Government Framework TC, I think that a valuable starting point could be with an initial White Paper outlining the relationships between public policy, expressed ‘needs’, formalised requirements, specifications and how/where standards play a role. I am currently working on such a paper and, depending on the outcome, this paper could form the basis and provide input for a new TC to capture and specify a formal ‘ontology’ or other model. I aim to have the White Paper finished by March 2011. I hope these comments are useful. All the best, Peter Peter F Brown Independent Consultant Transforming our Relationships with Information Technologies @pensivepeter P.O. Box 49719, Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA Tel: +1.310.694.2278 From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] Your Steering Committee has produced the attached draft work plan for next year and this is now submitted for your comment and approval. Could I have any comments, objections or suggested additions by Friday 26th November please so that these can be considered at our next SC meeting in December. The work plan is an ambitious one but we believe these items are important and need urgent action. We do need your involvement and assistance in delivering the plan, the Steering Committee cannot do all the work on its own. So could you also indicate which work items are of particular interest to you and ones that you would be willing to assist with. Any other general views on the operation of the Member Section are always welcome. Regards John Borras Chair OASIS eGOV MS Steering Committee m. +(0)44 7976 157745 Skype: gov3john |
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