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Subject: RE: [egov-ms] FW: Invitation - SEMIC.EU Yearly Conference - Rethinking Semantic Interoperability through Collaboration

John, Thanks for the information. I will provide a brief report back. Best regards, Brand


From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:50 AM
To: egov-ms@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [egov-ms] FW: Invitation - SEMIC.EU Yearly Conference - Rethinking Semantic Interoperability through Collaboration


Please see the attached invitation.  If anybody is able to attend, could I ask that they provide a brief report back to the MS with a note of any actions they think we should be taking on this topic.



John Borras


Chair OASIS eGOV MS Steering Committee


m. +(0)44 7976 157745

Skype:  gov3john


From: Debora Di Giacomo [mailto:debora.di.giacomo@pwc.be]
Sent: 06 April 2011 13:19
To: johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk
Cc: Joao Frade
Subject: Invitation - SEMIC.EU Yearly Conference - ?Rethinking Semantic Interoperability through Collaboration?


Dear John,

I hope this email finds you well.

On behalf of the European Commission, DIGIT B2, we are pleased to invite you and your colleagues to the SEMIC.EU Yearly Conference.

The lack of semantic interoperability remains, since many years, a key obstacle to the seamless flow and exchange of data, information and services amongst the European Member States and beyond. As this can be seen as a collaborative challenge, this year's Conference is entitled “Rethinking Semantic Interoperability through Collaboration”.

This one-day conference will provide a rare opportunity for experts from the Public Sector, Academia, Standardisation Bodies, System integrators, Software Vendors and Consultants to share their experience and knowledge with others, through presentations, networking and debate.

This conference will take place in Brussels on 18th May 2011 from 9:30 -16:30 at a building of the European Commission. This event is free but registration is mandatory, to register please click below:


Please find attached an invitation flyer with further details and the draft agenda of this event. We would also appreciate it, if you could disseminate this event within your community.
We would like to take this opportunity to once more thank you for your contribution to the study on the Semantic Interoperability Centre Europe - SEMIC.EU.
With best regards,

On behalf of João Frade, Débora

Debora Di Giacomo  |  Advisor  |  PricewaterhouseCoopers* Performance Improvement Consulting
Woluwe Garden - Woluwedal 18
 |  B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe  |  www.pwc.be
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