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Subject: OASIS eGov Member Section to Host Breakfast Seminar ~ 3 May in Brussel, Belgium

eGov MS Logo

Promoting Open Standards for Citizen-Centric Government


Breakfast Seminar
Stanhope Hotel, Brussels
Tuesday 3 May 2011, 08h30 to 11h00

The European Commission is due shortly to publish a draft of new legislation concerning the future of standardisation in the EU and, alongside this, a review is under way of the role played by standards in European public procurement.  The debate is not about whether one technology is better than another; who produces ‘better’ or more ‘open’ standards; or even about the European software industry against the backdrop of US strength and Asian emergence in this market. It is about clarity and transparency in the processes by which standards are created, adopted and proposed for use within a wide range of public service offerings, whether improving services to citizens and businesses or public agencies own back-office infrastructure.


Standards developed by the many OASIS ‘technical committees’ (TCs) have had major impacts on, and uptake by, public policy makers sharing our vision of open standards-driven interoperability and efficiency. Our standards have made their way in to a wide range of solutions as indeed cited by numerous European Commission and Parliament reports over the last couple of years.

Hosted by the OASIS eGov Member Section, all members are welcome to attend this seminar to debate issues of common concern with representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament and other governmental agencies.   Seminar discussion will specifically focus on:

·         Identifying what OASIS, as an organisation together with its TCs, can do to ensure that open standards continue to play an important role and that our standards can be legitimately referenced and used in EU public policy and service delivery in the future; and

·         Gaining a better understanding of the concerns and expectations of policy-makers.

The OASIS eGov Member Section is looking forward to this valuable interactive opportunity. We hope you will consider joining us and adding your voice to that of others in this sector.


Reserve a seat online at:  http://events.oasis-open.org/home/egovseminar/2011/home





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