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Hi John,

It's unfortunate that cognizance was not evident
of the largest ongoing global collaborative cloud
activity and the implications of the work.

For the past year, the ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud
Computing has been meeting at multiple venues
around the world and engaging just about every
every standards activity that exists.  The work has
been focussed on 1) uncovering everything occurring
"out there," and 2) deriving what appear to be common
conceptualizations at both the meta and detailed
technical and provisioning levels.

The latest instantiations of their products are found
in the output documents of the recent Seoul meeting,
and consist of a very comprehensive set of documents:
o ecosystem
o functional requirements and reference architecture
o infrastructure
o security
o benefits
o standards bodies involved
o resource management
o summary

The set is available at http://ifa.itu.int/t/fg/cloud/docs/1109-seo/out/

A final meeting will be held in December in Geneva,
followed by issuance of the final material.  I know of
no activity on this scale and comprehensiveness related
to cloud computing, and will likely shape the collaborative
playbook going forward.  Of particular interest are what
appear to be common models for instantiating  this
new infrastructure which will be rapidly replacing
both the PSTN and Internet.


On 10/31/2011 5:56 AM, John Borras wrote:

The final report on our recent Cloud Symposium is now available at http://www.oasis-egov.org/node/47


This was a hugely successful event both for the eGov and IDTrust Member Sections and for OASIS as a whole.  We will be following up on the actions arising over the coming weeks but in the meantime if anybody has any observations or suggestions for new areas of work on this increasingly important area of activity please post a note to the me and the MS mailing list.



John Borras


Chair OASIS eGOV MS Steering Committee


m. +(0)44 7976 157745

Skype:  gov3john


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