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Subject: Interoperable Services SC Update


1.  The vote for the SC charter ballot resulted in 8 of 28 SC members (29%)
casting a vote - all voted to approve the charter.  There were no votes to
disapprove the charter.  Thanks to all who participated.  While I am a bit
disappointed with the turnout, the results were positive, and this is the
feedback that will be provided to the TC meeting in London next month.

2.  Please plan to participate in an SC teleconference this Thursday, April
24 at 11am (US east coast time).  Topic is to review the SC status and
planning for the London meetings.  Duration: approximately 1 hour.  Dial in
information is as follows:

  Domestic US:  1-888-593-8435
  Non-US:  1-630-395-0260
  Passcode:  23644

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing many of you in London,

David Layton
GSA, Office of E-Government & Technology
E-Government Strategy Division
Phone: 202-219-0815

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