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Subject: Minutes from 4/24/03 SC Telecon

Attached are the draft minutes from yesterday's teleconference.  Please let
me know if any changes are needed by next Wednesday, otherwise I will
consider it complete and accurate.

Jouko and George: Please note the portions of the minutes that refer to the
work you are doing in support of the SC.  (And for George: your name is not
included in the Kavi roster for either the TC or the SC for some reason.
Is this correct?  If not, pls contact John Borras to ensure that you are
included in the roster).


David Layton
GSA, Office of E-Government & Technology
E-Government Strategy Division
Phone: 202-219-0815

(See attached file: 4-24-03 SC Telecon Minutes.pdf)

4-24-03 SC Telecon Minutes.pdf

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