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Subject: eGov 4/25/2003: Upcoming XML Europe and ebXML Interoperability

In Thursday's eGov Interoperability Services TC, we discussed the 
upcoming XML Europe event, as well as the ebXML Showcase.  David Layton 
asked that I post this to the eGov TC at large as well as highlight some 
of the interoperability sessions in the ebXML Showcase.  I've included a 
portion of the the initial press release and provided some additional 
details at the end on the interoperability sessions.

UN/CEFACT and OASIS will host the ebXML Showcase in London, 5-6 May 2003. 
Highlighting the growing use of Electronic Business XML (ebXML) in a range 
of industries as well as ebXML's role in Web services, the two-day event 
will be held in conjunction with IDEAlliance's XML Europe 2003 conference.

The ebXML Showcase is designed for developers and business managers 
worldwide with an interest in ebXML's modular suite of specifications for 
conducting business over the Internet. The event will feature answers to 
real-life questions of adopting the UN/CEFACT and OASIS ebXML standards for 
exchanging business messages, establishing trading relationships, 
communicating data in common terms and defining and registering business 
processes. Attendees will also hear about the business benefits of managing 
electronic commerce through ebXML from existing ebXML end users and 
software suppliers.

Keynote presentations from Paul Murphy of the European Commission, Patrick 
Gannon, president and CEO of OASIS, and Ray Walker, chair of the UN/CEFACT 
Steering Group, will be featured at the ebXML Showcase. The program will 
also include updates from ebXML users in the telecommunications, 
law-enforcement, shipping, publishing, manufacturing, and e-commerce 
industries. Representatives of the United Nations, Fujitsu, NIST, 
SeeBeyond, Sun Microsystems, and others will present.

The full text of the release is at 
http://www.ebxml.org/news/pr_20030327.htm .The page with the ebXML program 
is found at http://www.xmleurope.com/2003/ebxmlconference.asp .

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