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Subject: Re: [egov-websrv] Presentation: "Core Components and ebXML Registry"

At 01:12 PM 7/21/2003 -0400, Chiusano Joseph wrote:
>On Wednesday, 7/23/03, I will be presenting on "Core Components and
>ebXML Registry" at the Federal CIO Council XML Registry Working Group
>meeting [1]. I thought I'd share my presentation (attached) for the
>benefit of those would would like to learn more about Core Components
>and/or ebXML Registry v3.0.

Hi Joseph

We wouldn't want to imply that any particular naming convention
is "prescribed" by ISO 11179. The point of an ISO 11179 semantic
registry is that one can base interoperability on concepts and
data element meanings rather than based on the names that happen
to be given to data elements according to some lexical or syntactic
convention. In fact, the ISO 11179 naming style you mention as in
vogue at the moment will be changing soon:

>From: "Gillman, Daniel - BLS" <Gillman.Daniel@bls.gov>
>To: "'Eliot Christian'" <echristi@usgs.gov>
>Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 08:40:55 -0400
>[...] The approach to names in Part 5:1995 will be completely overhauled
>in the next version.  The OC term.P term.RC term convention will no longer
>be normative.


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