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egov-websrv message

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Subject: "Web Services and Registries" Pilot/"Three-Tier Vision"

Attached please find a presentation that I am giving tomorrow to the
Federal CIO Council XML Web Services Working Group for a pilot proposal
of "Web Services and Registries". I originally planned to focus this
proposal on ebXML registries, but since have decided to expand it to
include both ebXML UDDI and registries. 

In this presentation I also present my "Three-Tier Vision" for
interoperability and interaction between UDDI and ebXML registries
(beginning on slide 10). This vision has been presented to both the
OASIS/ebXML Registry and UDDI TCs. The proposed pilot would exist at
Tier 3, "Reachthrough Capability". 

Kind Regards,
Joe Chiusano
Booz | Allen | Hamilton
tel;work:(703) 902-6923
org:Booz | Allen | Hamilton;IT Digital Strategies Team
adr:;;8283 Greensboro Drive;McLean;VA;22012;
title:Senior Consultant
fn:Joseph M. Chiusano

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