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Title: Message
Dear John and Eliot,
I notice that the document includes the OASIS Business Transaction Protocol (BTP) in the table, though it is not positioned on the diagram.
I participated in the UK eGov work for a year or so, a couple of years back, as John is well aware, so I have some familiarity with the eGovernment effort.  The company I now work for has a very good appreciation of BTP as we supplied the editor for the specification (my colleague Peter Furniss) and several of the ideas contained therein and have since fully implemented BTP in our Cohesions product (which also implements the WS-C and WS-T specifications).
Thus the first point is that if you would like any help understanding BTP and its role we would be happy to help (for instance we could give a presentation on BTP in London (or be available for a question and answer session), probably in the USA, or take part in a Teleconference.
We are also involved in the OASIS WSBPEL Technical Committee and can give a view on that work.  Likewise I am involved in the W3C WS-Choreography work, and have been (and keep in touch with) UN/CEFACT TMG work on BPSS.  Also we have joined BPMI and I have had the privilege of attending the last two member meetings - the most recent was just a couple of weeks ago (24 - 27 June 2003).  So again I can provide a view and information on what they are doing to help you understand the 'scene' and make your decisions / recommendations.
So again if I / we can be of any help we will certainly try to oblige.
[PS We are due to move to another location in London in August so the phone numbers below may change.  However, you can call me on my mobile (leave a message please if no reply and I will call back) and the email addresses will stay the same.]
Best Regards     Tony
A M Fletcher
Cohesions 1.0 (TM)
Business transaction management software for application coordination
Choreology Ltd., 13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX     UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 76701787   Fax: +44 (0) 20 7670 1785  Mobile: +44 (0) 7801 948219
tony.fletcher@choreology.com     (Home: amfletcher@iee.org)
-----Original Message-----
From: john.borras@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk [mailto:john.borras@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk]
Sent: 29 June 2003 19:56
To: Eliot Christian
Cc: egov@lists.oasis-open.org


I've mentioned to you our work here in UK in trying to decide which workflow standards to adopt.  Attached is a discussion paper we've put together which summarises the candidates from our understanding of the situation.   There seems to be several candidates and no clear roadmap for bringing them together.

I'd like you to take this on within the Infrastructure SC please to try and sort out the confusion and provide a clear roadmap for governments.   We obviously would be more than willing to play an active part in this piece of work.


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