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Subject: Re: [egov] Registry Capability Comparison Matrix

Title: Registry Capability Matrix
Once you have this all refined - maybe a PPT or mini-WP combining this
information and the slides from Bruce B - could I suggest we post
something to ebXML.org and also ebXMLforum?
Thanks, DW
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 9:50 AM
Subject: [egov] Registry Capability Comparison Matrix

I had an AI from yesterday's meeting to share a Registry Comparison
Capability Matrix (RCCM) that I had done comparing LDAP, UDDI and ebXML

This dovetails well with the presentation Elliot posted earlier today
under the subject "Interoperability among Types of Registries" as it
provides background detail upon which registry standards may be
objectively compared based upon identified requirements for egov registries.

Attached is the first draft of the RCCM. I have added ISO 11179 to my
original CCRM but its column is largely incomplete at the moment.

The first step could be that we review the requirements and agree upon
them. Next, we could identify  which columns  (standards) to include in
the CCRM. Finally, we could review the matrix, fill in missing values,
correct any mistakes and make any other improvements.

Please share your thoughts on the proposed requirements driven approach
to comparing registry capabilities.

PS: John, can you tell we which folder under TC documents should I place
this document. If the TC agrees, I will be glad to serve as the editor
for the CCRM and main this document as it gets refined within the TC.



This page contains a Registry Capability Comparison Matrix (RCCM) and supporting details. Its purpose is to help the OASIS egov TC define registry requirements for egov, and to determine how different Registry standards meet the identified requirements.

Status of This Document

The following table represents an early draft of a work-in-progress. It has not yet been broadly reviewed for correctness and does not yet reflect the concensus opinion of the OASIS egov TC. As this work progresses the requirements will be refined and the marix will be updated and filled out.

What is Include

The RCCM currently only includes standards for directories, registries and registry/reopositries. This list may be incomplete.

What is Not Included

The RCCM does not currently include products. This is because we cannot be partial to one product or another.

The RCCM does not currently include general catgories (e.g. Ontological Registries ). This is because it is difficult to fill out the matrix for a broad category.

Registry Capability Comparison Matrix

ebXML Registry V3
ISO 11179

Standard Metadata

Arbitrary Content (content repository)


Content specific Validation

Content specific Cataloging

Version control

Pre-defined queries

Ad hoc queries with predicate support

Pre-defined taxonomies

User-defined taxonomies

Taxonomy browsing and validation

Ontology support


User-defined Associations

Simple event notification

Content based event notification

Service registration / discovery

Collection support (ability to group things together)


Digital signature authentication

Custom Acess Control based on identity, role, group

Audit trail


Object replication

  • [ebrr_replicas]

Federated queries

Remote object refereneces from one node to another

Object oriented information model

Extensible information model (Metadata is extensible)

Extensible API

HTTP API binding

  • [ebrr_http]

SOAP API binding


ebMS API binding

Supporting Notes

The following notes are hyperlinked from cells within the table above.

  • ebrr_version: User managed version in v3. Registry managed versioning in v4
  • ebrr_ontology: Ontologies may be stored in registry in v3 like any other content. Inference support will be added in v4
  • ebrr_event: Ad hoc query may be defined using SQL or XML filter query syntax to match events. Events then delivered via email or Web Service invocation.
  • ebrr_service: Beyond the basic service registration capabilities the ebXML Registry has the following additional features:
    • The Service Description (e.g. WSDL) can be stored in the repository of the registry
    • The WSDL can benefit from full life cycle management features of ebXML Registry like any other managed content
    • The WSDL can be automatically validated and cataloged upon submission
    • The WSDL can be discovered using ad hoc queries based on SQL and XML filter query syntax
    • The ad hoc queries can predicate on content within the WSDL itself allowing queries like:
"Find all WSDL that import a certain file or use a certain name space or use a certain portType etc."
    • Version can be maintained for the different version of the WSDL
    • Interested client can be notified when the a specific WSDL version changes in specified ways
    • The WSDL can be associated in arbitrary ways with other objects such as the Organizations that provide the service or organizations that use the service. 
    • The WSDL can be classified using arbitrary use-defined  taxonomies
  • ebrr_rbac: Fine grained Access Control based upon Identity, Role and Group is supported using the OASIS XACML 1.0 standard.
  • ebrr_replicas: Rather than replicating every object to every other registry all the time, ebXML Registry allows fine grained control over replication so that only selected objects may be replicated to specified registries for fault tolernace and to reduce contention over hot (frequently accessed) objects.
  • ebrr_http: Allows any object in registry/repository to be accessible over any URL via teh web. This allows the registry to be configured as a web site.

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