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Subject: BPSS resources and tutorial now online

FYI - the following tools and resources are available online:

#1 - Tutorial on creating BPSS models - absolutely *no*
         previous experience required - find out how easy
         it is to create precise and compelling business 
         process definitions (MS PPT format)

#2 - Examples models and XML to view online

#3 - Download the BPSS V2 editor and configure it
        for your Windows desktop - create and share
        your own models as either JPG or XML files.

Go to :  http://drrw.net/visualscripts/#ebxml

All feedback welcome,

Thanks, DW.

============= F A Q ===================

Q - Why do I need this?  

A - Tired of endless confusing meeting with clients and
       customers trying to pin down what interchanges are
       actually required?  Model it precisely - transactions,
       transport layer, level of service, faults and succeeds,
       context parameters and much more - in a concise 
        6 page format that you can print, share and document.

Q - But will it work today?

A - Several ebMS transport solutions are capable of 
       referencing BPSS definitions to verify message 
       exchanges and more.  These will be extended
       in the coming months as the V2 becomes a 
       standard - get a head start here - now!

Q - Do I need to know UML and ebXML to do this?

A - Absolutely not - the models use intuitive business
      icons and metaphors from familiar B2B terms in
      today environments.

Q - Can this work for EDI as well as XML

A - Yes - any document formats can be included in the model.

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