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Subject: The i2010 initiative of the European Commission

Dear all:


I thought that you might be interested in the following extract from a speech [1] delivered this week in Prague to the Microsoft Government Leaders Summit, by Viviane Reding, the new European Commissioner for the “Information Society” dossier, including large chunks of their eGov work:


“…Developments in e-government services provide a good and practical example. Here there is a lot of activity, but also a lot of duplication of effort. Many issues, such as identity management and interoperability of systems, are common problems. We can tackle these issues more efficiently together than alone. I would propose widescale demonstrators to test and deploy pan-European services. I would also advocate the creation of platforms and forums for clarifying priorities and for exchanging good practice.


I’ve already made enquiries into what this might translate to in practice, but there are some positive signals.


All the best,




[1] page 4 of http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/05/61&type=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en


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