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Subject: RE: Epidemic Management panel: Introductions


Thought I should attach the latest agenda for discussions this AM.



-----Original Message-----
From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 7:21 PM
To: ehealth-program@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Epidemic Management panel: Introductions

I believe this mailing lists includes all the folks that are participating
in the ehealth-program for the upcoming OASIS Symposium.

This email thread is intended primarily for the panelist and participants in
the afternoon session panel on:

The Role of Technology and Standards in Epidemic Management.

Other folks on list are welcome to contribute their valuable thoughts.

Due to unavailability of some panelist we were unable to schedule a meeting
for this week in order to get acquainted and plan the event.

I think we can begin to at least introduce ourselves and brainstorm on the
format of the panel over email. Here is a suggested format for introducing
ourselves on this

-Who are you and what is your affiliation?

-What do you do and how does your work relate to Epidemic Management?

-What do you see are some of the biggest issues you and your organization
face when dealing with Epidemics?

-What topics would you like to see addressed in the discussion?

Here is my brief intro.... Please introduce yourself in a similar manner on
this thread.

I am Farrukh Najmi, an XML Standards Architect at Sun Microsystems. A brief
biography may be found here:


I work on ebXML Registry, which is a meta data and content management
standard. ebXML Standard, which is now an ISO 15000 standard, is being used
to enable reliable information management and communication in governments,
health care and businesses. Having spent several years in Health care
Informatics I believe that standards such as ebXML have the potential to
improve our ability to prepare for and manage epidemics. At the last XML
2003 Conference I led a demonstration:

Epidemic Management Using OASIS ebXML, UBL and XACML standards:

(OpenOffice Slides)
http://ebxmlrr.sourceforge.net/presentations/oasis-demo-xml2003.ppt (ppt

My organization does not directly deal with Epidemics but one issue I do see
from my vantage point is that recent advances in technology and standards
have not been adopted on a large scale by health care standards organization
and institutions (things are improving though).

I would like to understand what problems could be solved if information
could be shared in a timely, secure and seamless manner across enterprise


New Orleans Agenda.xls

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