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election-services-comment message

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Subject: Comment/Wish 4: Ballot definition constraints on the "Value" attribute

Comment/Wish 4: Ballot definition constraints on the "Value" attribute
of the Selection element (and depending on the resolution of one of my
earlier comments, perhaps the "Rating" attribute)

In the 440-castvote (and other documents reflecting values from 440s),
the Selection element has an optional attribute named "Value" (and
depending on the resolution of one of my earlier comments, perhaps an
optional "Rating" attribute). The 410-ballot should specify what
Values or Ratings (and combinations of Values or Ratings) can be
meaningfully cast in each Contest.

In particular, the 410 should specify the answers to the following:
For Preferential voting systems (such as Instant-Runoff,
Single Transferable Vote, Condorcet Method, or Borda Count):
a. What is the maximum number of candidates that may be ranked?
    [Does "MaxVotes" already provide this information?]
b. May the voter assign the same rank to more that one candidate?
c. May the voter leave gaps in the rankings he assigns?
For Range voting systems, what is the maximum rating that can be
assigned to any candidate?
For Cumulative voting with points:
a. What is the maximum number of points to be distributed among
    all the candidates?
b. What is the maximum number of points that can be assigned to
    any one candidate?

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