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Subject: TC Minutes for June 12, 2000 Meeting

Title: TC Minutes for June 12, 2000 Meeting

Included is the minutes of this morning's meeting.  Please review for completeness and accuracy.  The minutes are also posrted on the website:

OASIS Election and Voter Services Technical Committee
Teleconference Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2001, 10 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time


Gregg McGilvray, election.com, Chairman
Tim Bovee, Associated Press (IPTC)
Steven Hagan, Unisys
Tracy Lewin, election.com
Brian McCormick, election.com
Deborah Phillips, Voting Integrity Project
Kathy Procope, Accenture
TJ Rainsford, IFES
Dan Ryan, Accenture
Krishna Sankar, Cisco Systems
Thom Wysong, Technodemocracy

Previous Meeting's Minutes
No additions or changes to the previous meeting's minutes (which can be found at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/election/oasis_tc_minutes_20010515.shtml) were made. 

Scope of Charter
Gregg noted that since the last meeting some members have voiced concerns on the email list (archives: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/election-services) about the scope of the committee's charter.

Gregg sensed that some of the concern is that the charter is too centered on for-profit vendors.  Tim Bovee felt that it was fine, noting that the term "service provider" is a generic enough term to apply to non-profit vendors as well. 

Deborah Phillips raised concerns that the charter was too narrow and did not take into account integration with non-election systems.  She noted that different system such as local tax rolls and the Department of Justice play a roll in elections, particularly with registration and list maintenance. 

After further discussion, the consensus of the attendees was that the charter's scope was broad enough to include non-election entities as well.

Thom Wysong raised concerns about whether "data exchange" was too narrow of scope for the committee.  Tim Bovee suggested that "data exchange" should be interpreted to be all encompassing.

Dan Ryan noted Thom's email about presentation, and agreed with his conclusion that presentation might not be appropriate, but that sample implementations might be useful, either inside or outside of the committee.  Krishna Sankar later noted that standards conformance is within the scope of the committee, and will be an essential to its success.

Gregg pointed out that EML was to be more of an architecture than a single implementation.  Ballots, voter registration and other election-related items will be sub-parts of the EML standard.

The charter discussion concluded with the conclusion that there was no need to change the current charter.

Krishna Sankar suggested that the committee should start generating use cases and domain models.  Dan Ryan suggested that non-technical documents should be included, to make the committee's work more accessible to the general election community.  Krishna volunteered to create the first use case as a model for future use cases.

Expanding Committee Membership
Gregg related that he is working with Scott McGrath of OASIS to encourage more organizations to join the committee, such as those related to accessibility.  Deborah noted that she is on a discussion panel at the National Federation of the Blind conference in July, where she hopes to tout the committee. 

Both Gregg and Deborah discussed vendors specializing in accessibility software and hardware as potential committee members.  Deborah had noted earlier that it would be good to involve the Department of Justice, as they deal with election matters.

Action Items
Krishna Sankar will submit to the email list a use case as a starting point and example for future use cases.
Gregg McGilvray will continue reaching out to potential committee members.
Gregg McGilvray will talk with the UK members to determine the best starting time for the next meeting.

Next Meeting
The next meeting will be July 24th, with the starting time to be determined later.

Gregg McGilvray
Chief Technical Strategist
1001 Franklin Ave
Garden City, NY  11530
+1 516 248 7493

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