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Subject: [election-services] OASIS EVS TC: Voting Process TC Spec v1.doc: 510 -Count/Result


A member of the AP election development team points out that schema
510-Count/Result in the Data Requirements section of Voting Process TC
Spec v11.doc does not seem to provide for returns from what we term a
"reporting unit"--that is, returns from a subunit within a contest. An
individual county within a gubernatorial race would be one example.
"Reporting unit" returns are standard for election authority reports to
media in the United States. 

So, the question would be: Does the existing structure in fact allow for
"reporting unit" results? If not, can it be added in?

Following is the 510 section, from page 36 of my copy of the document:

510 - Count/Result

	Election event id
	Election event name
	Election id
	Election name
	Election rule id
       	Contest ID
		Contest Name
       	Max vote
       		Option id
       		Option name
       	Valid Votes
       	Rejected votes (mandatory reasons, optional reasons)
			Abstentions (blank)

       Language ID


Tim Bovee, Director of Projects/Technology
The Associated Press, Washington
202-776-9465, tbovee@ap.org

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