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Subject: FW: COMMENTS REQUESTED - DRAFT Guidance on Statewide Voter Registration Lists
For information. Please send any comments direct to Bryan Whitener. John ________________________________ From: Bryan Whitener [mailto:bwhitener@eac.gov] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 6:02 PM Subject: COMMENTS REQUESTED - DRAFT Guidance on Statewide Voter Registration Lists COMMENTS REQUESTED EAC ENCOURAGES COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT Voluntary Policy Guidance for Implementation of Statewide Voter Registration Lists PLEASE LINK TO THE FOLLOWING NOTICE FOR CONTACT INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO SUBMIT COMMENTS http://www.eac.gov/docs/DRAFT%20GUIDANCE%20(4-11-05)%20(Second%20Draft)(FR%2 0format).pdf BACKGROUND: The EAC is proposing voluntary policy guidance on the interpretation of Section 303 (a) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). HAVA was enacted to set standards for the administration of Federal elections. Included in the new standards is a requirement that each State develop and maintain a single, statewide list of registered voters. The voluntary guidance proposed by EAC will assist the States in understanding and interpreting HAVA's standards regarding statewide voter registration lists. "The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you receive this email by mistake please notify the sender and delete it immediately. Opinions expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Local e-Government Standards Body. All sent and received email from the Local e-Government Standards Body is automatically scanned for the presence of computer viruses and security issues."
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