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Subject: Re: [election-services] Fw: TLV and VoiceXML
John, The idea here - certainly for the USA - is that this would be in specially equipped booth for the disabled voter. They wear headphones and have a microphone and keyboard. The voting choices could be indicted via the keyboard; so - to vote for Tony Blair, speak or type "1", etc. This means persons outside of the environment should not be able to eavesdrop on their voting. As always - we are in a learning process here - I'm convinced that VoiceXML has enough power and scriptablity to make the grade - what we need is real ballot examples to be able to build up a VoiceXML to test that out. Mark I believe had indicated his willingness to do that. The cool thing about VoiceXML is that it can stand-up demo's easily - for people to testout and see live. Thanks, DW ----- Original Message ----- From: "Borras, John" <John.Borras@legsb.gov.uk> To: "David Webber (XML)" <david@drrw.info> Cc: <election-services@lists.oasis-open.org>; "Mark Headd" <mheadd@diamondtechnologies.com> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 9:42 AM Subject: RE: [election-services] Fw: TLV and VoiceXML David Have you thought through the security implications of using VoiceXML in a voting environment? My initial reaction is there would be some major objections, given the general paranoia around e-voting, so we would need to head those off very early. John -----Original Message----- From: David Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info] Sent: 25 April 2005 18:31 To: election-services@lists.oasis-open.org Cc: Mark Headd Subject: [election-services] Fw: TLV and VoiceXML Folks, Mark Headd here is interested in working with us on VoiceXML and EML. This is a really significant opportunity IMHO. Who out there has some test data from a ballot EML that they would be interested in sharing with Mark so that we can setup a possible web demonstration? If you are in the USA - you can call 1-800-TELLME for a live production system that shows just how powerful VoiceXML is. Thanks, DW p.s. Mark also sent me this technical article link to VoiceXML http://studio.tellme.com/dom/howto/using_data.html where we can potentially feed data from an EML XML instance via a URL.... ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Headd" <mheadd@diamondtechnologies.com> To: "'David Webber (XML)'" <david@drrw.info> Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 11:26 AM Subject: RE: TLV and VoiceXML > David: > > Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I have reviewed some of > the materials on your site. I've also got the ball rolling on our > membership in OASIS (should be completed soon). > > In the interim, I've had a chance to think about your original suggestion of > using EML and VoiceXML together. Recognizing that I've still got some > things to learn about EML, here is an idea for you to ponder. > > Presenting candidate selections to voters: > > The latest version of VoiceXML (2.1, currently a last call working draft > with the W3C) allows for the incorporation of data in XML format into > VoiceXML dialogues. There are ways that this can be accomplished in the > current 2.0 spec (and also using logic on the server side of the application > -- more on this below), but it's much easier and cleaner in the new VXML 2.1 > spec. > > Using the VoiceXML 2.1 <data></data> element, an XML document can be > incorporated into a VoiceXML dialog and its structure can be traversed using > the ECMAScript binding to the document object model (DOM). All VoiceXML > platforms are required to support the ECMAScript standard. > > So, if there was information contained in a valid XML document that we > wanted to present to a caller, say a list of candidates that they could > choose from, we could use the VXML 2.1 data element and an EML document with > a candidate listing to do this. I think there is an EML schema for this -- > is this EML Schema 230? > > Anyway, it would be a pretty neat (and also fairly easy) way to utilize EML > and VoiceXML together as part of a phone-based voting system. > > Alternative approaches: > > There are at least two (probably more) alternatives to this same approach -- > using XSLT to reformat EML 230 as VoiceXML, and using server side technology > to parse an EML 230 document and use the values contained therein to > generate the appropriate VoiceXML. > > I've done some work with XSLT and VoiceXML -- some examples on my website at > http://www.voiceingov.org/tutorials/rss_to_vxml.htm. It has its issues, but > if we wanted to keep this a pure XML standards-based exercise, this could > work. > > Another approach is to process the EML on the server side and then generate > VoiceXML based on the contents of the EML file. This can be done with any > number of technologies -- ASP, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Perl, etc. > > I tend to do most of my web development with PHP so this bias usually spills > over into my VoiceXML development work. The latest version of PHP (version > 5.x) has excellent XML handling capabilities. PHP is also very widely > support and works on Windows and *NIX systems. > > Let me know what your thoughts are on this idea, or if you have any other > feelings about how such a demonstration should be developed. > > Talk to you soon. > > Mark Headd > Diamond Technologies, Inc. > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. 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