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Subject: RE: [election-services] Revised EML 330 - Election List xsd

I really need to see the changes you make to the core to see the final results. I can't really comment directly on these US-centric changes at the moment as they are outside my experience.
In terms of the naming conventions, we have been using the UK Government NDR at http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/documents/schema-guidelines-3_1(1).pdf. This affects various of the names you have used. We might as well be consistent.
-----Original Message-----
From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
Sent: 11 November 2006 00:06
To: eml
Subject: [election-services] Revised EML 330 - Election List xsd

I've just spent some hours getting the EML 330 updated for V5.0 - based on the requested changes from IEEE P1612 to support pollbook handling.
I've uploaded this to the TC documents section here:
What takes the time is just finding existing type declarations and then hooking those into the new element, and extending it with additional attributes as needed - and getting the schema editor to check it is OK.
Anyway - please take a look.  You will find the top of the schema now has a comments section that calls out the changes added - elements and attributes.  Everything else is from v4.0 - I've not had to change those base schema includes to do this - aim is to re-use v4.0 as much as possible here.
Hopefully everyone concurs on the approach - I don't want to do the remaining changes before I've made sure I'm headed in the right direction first!
If everyone is happy with this - then I'll work on the other ones - hopefully this will move a bit faster now I've got one done!   I'm estimating I have another 5 or 6 to do to catch all the changes that have been asked for.
Thanks, DW

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