Dear OASIS TC Chairs:
Happy New Year!
We are sending out a final reminder to all our TCs -- to submit at least one
presentation, tutorial, and/or panel session for our annual spring OASIS
Symposium on “eBusiness and Open Standards: Understanding the Facts,
Fiction, and Future”, 15-20 April 2006 in San Diego, California. All TC
Members are welcome to submit a proposal for the program. The deadline was
extended until this Friday - 5 January 2007. Guidelines and submission
details may be found at:
TCs are also encouraged to schedule face-to-face (F2F) meetings in
conjunction with the event. We have taken the time to evaluate all the
feedback from last year (as well as previous years) and have decided to
waive the meeting
fee and adjust our offerings. Details on these adjustments
may be found on the website at:
In addition to all the above, we're planning several special
"member-related" events at the Symposium. One such event will be our annual
"OASIS TC Lightning Rounds". As you know, this is a great opportunity to
educate the members on what your TC is accomplishing, find out the status of
related work, appeal for input, and identify areas for liaison and
development. Each TC should designate one representative to deliver a short
presentation on the work of the TC. Presentations will be compiled and
posted on the OASIS website for future reference. Similar to last year, we
are hoping for approximately 3-4 slides or 2-3 minutes worth of compact
status data and pointers per
Standards work is significantly improved by the kind of broad
cross-fertilization that the Symposium facilitates. We do hope you consider
these great opportunity for we want to emphasize how important co-location
and community-building is to our work at OASIS. We had a great turnout last
year and are very hopeful that our co-location option will be even more
positive this year.
As an OASIS Technical Committee Member, your help is needed to:
1. submit a presentation, panel session, and/or tutorial proposal by the
deadline of 5 January
2. discuss the advantages of holding a F2F at the Symposium during your next
TC meeting
3. reserve TC meeting space using the online form
as soon as possible, so space can be allocated
4. and designate
a representative to deliver an update on your TC's work
during our annual TC Lightning Round Sessions
Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to seeing you all in
San Diego.
Jane Harnad
Manager of Events
+1978-667-5115 ext 214
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday