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Subject: Re: [election-services] EML : USA INTEROP DEMO

Thanks very much for all the comments.  It seems to me the general concensus is one of no great support for this conference.  So given the prospect of limited attendance and only a small display booth being available, I propose we forgo this one and look for another opportunity.  If anyone feels strongly otherwise please speak up quickly.  The telecon planned for today is therefore cancelled.


Could everyone look for other conferences/events in Spring/Summer that might be appropriate please.


Dee - NASS/NASED hold a summer conference so perhaps you could find out whether we would be welcome at that one and whether they could provide the sort of facilities we had at Ditton Manor please. 


In the meantime I will press on with the ISO submission and if anyone has other work they think we should be engaged on please let me know.


M. +44 (0)7976 157745
Skype: gov3john

----- Original Message ----
From: Lori Steele <lori@everyonecounts.com>
To: "Zelechoski, Peter" <pzelechoski@essvote.com>
Cc: David RR Webber (XML) <david@drrw.info>; John Borras <johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk>; Stuart Harrington <stuart.harrington@justice.gsi.gov.uk>; EML TC <election-services@lists.oasis-open.org>; Dee Schur <dee.schur@oasis-open.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 January, 2008 7:28:53 PM
Subject: Re: [election-services] EML : USA INTEROP DEMO

That's a very good point, Peter.  With several primaries right around the conference many states might miss this altogether...

Lori J. Steele
Chief Executive Officer
Everyone Counts, Inc.

858.427.4673     1804 Garnet Avenue, #408
866.843.4668     San Diego, CA 92109

Zelechoski, Peter wrote:
John, David, et al. -    I would say NASS and NASED are too busy with the upcoming primary season  and this particular event might also be less heavily attended since  February is the big month for our early primaries.    It may be that waiting until their summer conference would gain us more  exposure.    - Peter     -----Original Message-----  From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]   Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 4:28 PM  To: John Borras  Cc: Stuart Harrington; EML TC; Lori Steele; Dee Schur  Subject: RE: [election-services] EML : USA INTEROP DEMO    John,    I'd come to the conclusion that, for whatever reasons, the NASED  organizers had decided this was not something they are keen on promoting  at this time.    Americans have this funny way of just ignoring you rather than just 
 saying "no thanks"!    It's of course lamentable that they do not see the urgent need for  standards in voting systems - or maybe they do - and just don't want to  throw the spotlight on this at this moment in time.    Either way - I'm sure better opportunities will emerge to get our  message across in 2008 - almost a certainty I'd wager!!!    DW      
-------- Original Message --------  Subject: [election-services] EML :  USA INTEROP DEMO  From: John Borras <johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk>  Date: Mon, December 31, 2007 4:23 am  To: EML TC <election-services@lists.oasis-open.org>,  Lori Steele  <lori@everyonecounts.com>,  Dee Schur <dee.schur@oasis-open.org>  Cc: Stuart
 Harrington <stuart.harrington@justice.gsi.gov.uk>    Despite the valiant efforts of Dee we still have had no response from      
the NASED conference organisers to our request to run the Demo at their  event.  So we are reaching a crunch point when we will need to decide  what to do, not least because most of us will have  flights and hotels  to book.  I have provisionally set a telecon to discuss all this next  Friday 4th Jan but it would be useful to get some early thoughts from  you before then if possible.  Depending on views we can go ahead with  the telecon or cancel it.    
   Just to remind you all, NASS (Nat Assoc of State Senators) and NASED      
(Nat Assoc of State Election Directors) hold a joint event but run  separate conferences.  Delegates intermingle between sessions and there  is a joint session on the last day.  NASS have a demo area and have  offered us a slot there to run the Demo but no conference presentation  time.  NASED have not offered anything, yet.    
   It seems to me we have the following options:     1.  Abandon the demo at this event and look for other opportunities.      
Both groups have summer conferences so we could postpone until then or  look for other opportunities in the Spring.    
2.  Go ahead with the NASS offering albeit it's not the best group of      
delegates to attract, and hence might not get a lot of interest,  although we might get some NASED people drifting in.  Also we would not  be able to present the results to the conference but can post them on  websites afterwards.    
3.  Forget the whole idea.     Dee no doubt will continue to press NASED but she must give them an      
ultimatum very soon.    
   I've given you my opinions on this demo in previous e-mails, ie we      
need maximum  preparation time and commitment for this one in view of  the complexities required.  I do not believe we should cut corners and  do a last minute rush job.  So if we cannot do the proper planning and  preparation then we should not go ahead.    
   Your views on all of this would be appreciated and also whether the      
telecon on Friday is necessary.    
   Wishing you all a very happy and successful New Year.     Regards  John      M. +44 (0)7976 157745  Skype: gov3john            __________________________________________________________  Sent from Yahoo! Mail - a smarter inbox http://uk.mail.yahoo.com      
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