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Subject: Groups - V6 - alpha work in progress - with Q's and feedback (EML-v6-alpha-1.zip) uploaded

This is the current alpha. Please see my red markup notes in the V6 wishes
doc.  John, Richard and Paul - I need answers on specific items you
requested - see the Excel spreadsheets.

Once I have these answers then I'll make those changes - and then move
forward on the other items in the wishes.

My goal here is to share how much progress I've made already - and be able
to discuss next steps and remaining items on the wishes list at our
upcoming call.

 -- Mr. David Webber

The document named V6 - alpha work in progress - with Q's and feedback
(EML-v6-alpha-1.zip) has been submitted by Mr. David Webber to the OASIS
Election and Voter Services TC document repository.

Document Description:
Collection of new V6 schemas in alpha.  See the wishes list in the ZIP for
items completed and status on others.

The templates are the generated CAM templates.  You can use those to
generate examples and documentation for EML's that interest you - you'll
need the camprocessor download from Sourceforge.net to open those.

The Excel spreadsheets are dictionaries and analysis created by CAM.

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may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
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-OASIS Open Administration

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