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Subject: RE: [election-services] Need for "state of " tracking concept in EMLcore

Are you suggesting we replace the exisitng three with a one new one, or do we end up with the existing three unchanged plus one new one?




From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
Sent: 15 April 2009 15:22
To: John Borras
Cc: eml
Subject: RE: [election-services] Need for "state of " tracking concept in EMLcore




CountQualifier was definately what I was looking for one piece of this - however those enumerations do not cover off those for US practice - so we could go ahead and add 3 code values so that is clear - interim, provisional and official.


Value looks good as is.


However I'm seeing other areas where we potentially need this capability to discern between provisional and official items.


In the past I think this was less of an issue - because the content was only made available at official status. EML 520 is a great example of this of course - and CountQualifier covers that off.


Similarly for the new EML 150 - people need to review upcoming boundary changes and polling place locations.  However I think we've missed areas such as provisional candidate lists and provisional ballot formats. 


Is it a major issue to add one indicator to EMLcore? For V6 overall we appear to be doing very well - in terms of a limited number of changes to the core dictionary - this would be the only one.


Thanks, DW

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [election-services] Need for "state of " tracking concept
in EMLcore
From: "John Borras" <john@pensive.eu>
Date: Wed, April 15, 2009 3:39 am
To: "David RR Webber (XML)" <david@drrw.info>
Cc: "eml " <election-services@lists.oasis-open.org>



The only instances where this type of status is currently used are in the elements Category, CountQualifier and Value, see attached data dictionary for details.  Apart from these I have not seen any requirement for such a generic “state of” element and I would suggest if there is a need it would be a very localised situation as in the VIP requirement.  So I do not see the need to add anything to EMLCore for this.




From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
Sent: 14 April 2009 18:33
To: eml
Subject: [election-services] Need for "state of " tracking concept in EMLcore




In drafting up the EML 150 for tracking geo details of election district boundaries and associated polling places - I was looking for a construct that provides the current state of something - as in - proposed, accepted, approved - with associated date/time and authority details - since experience teaches that election boundaries change - and have a formal process for that.


This appears like it would be more broadly applicable also to other lists such as election candidates, ballot and then the 520 election results themselves - interim, provisional, official.


I did not see this there already - but I may have missed something in one of the other includes?


I'm thinking to go ahead and add these constructs to EMLcore and then include them where applicable to EML transactions to provide this capability to track the status of the content.


Feedback and thoughts please.


Thanks, DW

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