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emergency-adopt-docs message

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Subject: Apologies and Request

Hi All,

Sorry I missed today's call. I was available, but I got wrapped up in a 
technical issues in Situation Reporting and Enterprise Architect and 
when that happens, whatever the issue or the group it belongs to, I 
often loose track of time.

This is, or is now, a well recognized shortcoming of yours truly which I 
would suggest is probably going to occur again, not just for this group 
or this day but because I tend to develop develop overwhelming tunnel 
vision when I concentrate on something. Its a character defect or 
strength depending on the context. In this case it is a serious defect.

However, there is a remedy, just call me at the number in my signature. 
If the phone's busy, please call back. I'll be embarassed, but we won't 
miss a whole meeting, which for committees that only meet every other 
week, is pretty darn significant and worth a lot more than a few minutes 
of my embarassment.


Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670

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