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emergency-adopt-docs message

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Subject: RE: Results of Review of Product/Vendor Directory

I think everything below is done now. I added "None of the above" as a last
option for the "Interoperability" and "Other" filters. In the future, we may
want to look at a more intuitive filter interface (radio buttons or some
such), but I think we're good to go for now.

I agree the next step is to get some members to submit listings before I add
a link to the left nav. Let me know if I can help with that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:44 AM
To: Carol Geyer; emergency-adopt-docs@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Results of Review of Product/Vendor Directory

Hi Carol,

The EMA Collateral and Documents SC reviewed the current state of the
Product/Vendor Directory and noted that it looked good and fit well on
single screen, but the shortened listing, character limit had not yet been

We also noted that once you start selecting criteria, you can't select None,
so we're asking you to check with IT staff on their recommended way to allow
no selection for a particular criteria (e.g. adding a blank line, adding a
disclaimer that the reader/user can simply not make a selection, adding a
"None" selection or using some other method to allow no selection to be

Patrick asked if we should use "OSS=Open Source Software" to match GOTS and
COTS for that set of selection criteria, and our consensus was yes, so we
are asking for that change to be made.

Lastly, in the EMA TC meeting, we will ask that more vendors add their
listings so we can see more listings on the initial page to ensure that we
include that evaluation before we recommend approval to the TC.

We're almost "there." Thanks so much for working with us on this effort.

Best Regards,

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670

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