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emergency-adopt-docs message

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Subject: [Meeting Today: NOW Agenda: Fwd: RE: EM TC Promotional Material]uploaded

Hi folks,

I just uploaded this to the drafts folder, but I thought i would forward 
it to everyone so you can have as you join our meeting.

Again, Sorry I'm late, but I am on the call now and ready to go.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: EM TC Promotional Material
Date: 	Fri, 14 May 2010 14:43:12 -0400
From: 	Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>
To: 	<rexb@starbourne.com>, "'Patrick Gannon'" <pgannon@warningsystems.com>
References: 	<4BED88C3.5000401@starbourne.com>

Rex, Patrick,
I would be thrilled to have the EM Adoption Committee revise the Emergency
data sheet. The source file is in PageMaker, so I've attached a pdf for your

(Note: For each of the past few interops, we've been creating special
handouts specific to the demo. They pick up info from this basic data sheet,
so I think this is the best place to start.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 1:31 PM
To: Carol Geyer; Patrick Gannon
Subject: EM TC Promotional Material

Hi Carol, Patrick,

It was brought to my attention in today's EM Adoption TC meeting that the
Collateral and Documents SC has an action pending to attend to the update of
printed/priantable EM TC (+EMA TC?) promotional material for
handouts/leave-behinds, so if you could either direct me to a url or send me
these materials I will add this to the agenda for our next meeting we would
appreciate it.


Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670

Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670


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