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emergency-adopt-docs message

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Subject: Late for Today's Meeting Due to Illness

  Hi Everyone,

Sorry I didn't get to the meeting until 7:15 a.m. Pacific Time, 10:15, 
due to illness (nausea without apparent cause). It turned out that 
Patrick Gannon was also late due to another meeting, so we briefly 
discussed what we can do to push up participation in this group now that 
Werner is off on vacation. I will put that into a brief Meeting Notes 
document and post it.

We don't have another Collateral and Documents meeting until after the 
next EM Adoption Committee meeting, but if you get a few moments between 
now and next Friday, please give a thought to what we should be 
supporting in our budget request to the Emergency Interoperability 
Member Section. For my part, I will suggest we think about how we can 
support some pilot projects and/or testbed activities that support 
adoption. I have some specific programs in mind, which I will bring up 
in the Adoption Committee meeting next Friday.


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