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emergency-cap-profiles message

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Subject: Re: [emergency-comment] Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Version1.1 OASIS Standard

Thanks Robert,

I wanted you to know that I'm including the CAP-Profiles Subcommittee 
with this reply. We will discuss your comment. I will add it to the 
Issues List.

Best Regards,
Rex Brooks

At 4:29 PM -0400 4/30/09, Stanley, R.O. wrote:
>We have found the Emergency Alert System (EAS) Profile to be acceptable
>as it stands, with one exception; the new technology that is being
>applied to warning systems could be different in the respective states.
>That is why a controlling body, so to speak, should be formed in each
>state, and should be cognizant of the technology and determine what
>method or methods work best for them, and could be integrated into other
>systems. To make IPAWS a doable program, it will be necessary to have
>the cooperation of every state, and everyone  knowing and utilizing the
>CAP system.
>Please consider harmonizing data element tags and valid entries with the
>National Information Exchange Model (www.niem.gov) and the US DHS
>Geospatial Data Model (www.fgdc.gov).  Conversely, it may be necessary
>to engage these standards groups so that they may allow for exceptions
>unique to EAS line of business.  Explicit convergence between your
>organization, NIEM and FGDC will assure the broadest range of
>interoperability possible, and will greatly reduce the effort and costs
>for our organization's compliance. 
>Further, compliance with NIEM is a requirement and adherence to FGDC
>guidance is recommended, for continued funding of the State by US DHS.
>Robert O. (R.O.) Stanley
>Early Alert-Warning Program Manager
>Division of Planning
>Indiana Department of Homeland Security
>302 W. Washington Street, Room E-208
>Indianapolis  IN  46204
>Office:  (317) 232-6878
>Cell:  (317) 694-9155
>E-mail:  rstanley@dhs.IN.gov
>"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
>prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively,
>or to the people." - 10th Amendment
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Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670

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