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emergency-cap message

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Subject: Re: [emergency-cap] Reminder: Meeting Today

Iâm sorry but I am in transit. Might be able to be on a call, but will not be online

Scott M Robertson, PharmD, RPh, FHL7, GIAC, CISSP
Health IT Strategy & Policy
Technology Risk Office
Kaiser Permanente 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 14, 2018, at 12:08 PM, rexbroo <rexb@starbourne.com> wrote:

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Hi Everyone,

I wanted to send out a reminder because we're all really busy and I'm no exception. I would really appreciate it if I didn't need to fill in to take notes today because I am multi-tasking and I'm not very good at it. Specifically, I'm updating the EM TC page (public and members-only) with CAP references, of which there is a whole boatload, including the report from this year's CAP Workshop.

In the meantime, I want to send everyone a warm wish for the best holidays ever, (or was that a wish for a warm holiday?).


Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
1361 Addison St. Apt. A
Berkeley, CA 94702
Phone: 510-898-0670 

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