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Subject: CAP Event Terms List - Call in Details (less than 2 hours from now)

I’m sorry if my times were not correct.  The call will begin in less than 2 hours – 11 Eastern Daylight Time.



Dear CAP Experts,

The dial in details for our meeting on the CAP Event Terms List are:

Phone: 800-320-4330 PIN Code 247202

Screen Sharing: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/jpwmeet

Please join us from 11-12ET (1300 UTC) on Friday June 28, 2019. 

If you have any issues with the dial-in or screen share please email me right away.

Best regards,



Dear CAP Experts,

The CAP Subcommittee of the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EMTC) has been working for many months on codifying the CAP Event Terms List.  An initial request for this effort came from CAP developers several years ago and has been voiced by many others since.  I will be sending out a notice soon inviting you to a meeting June 28 (11EDT) regarding this work of the CAP Subcommittee. 

Background:  Over half the world's population is now alerted to natural and manmade hazards using a CAP based national system.  For the last several years CAP developers have asked for the CAP SC to codify this field to provide guidance on its use.  The "Event" term is a required parameter in the CAP XML.  Countries have implemented the standard using a variety of terms with not much consistency.  Providing this guidance will enhance the interoperability of CAP.  Over the past several months, the CAP Subcommittee has worked through a very long list of terms to make a broad/narrow list that is unambiguous and can be helpful to developers.

As a key stakeholder in CAP development and use, I would like to invite you to attend the June 28 meeting.  We will go over the background for this effort, the format of the list, how it will be published and the process for making a second pass through the list.  We will publish an OASIS Committee Note with the results and present it at our annual CAP Workshop in October.  Membership in OASIS is not necessary to attend.  In addition to our CAP SC members which include Environment Canada, US FEMA IPAWS, US NWS, we look forward to having persons from WMO, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) Society, AccuWeather and AWS.

Please reply to confirm your interest in attending and I will send you an invite for the call.

Best regards,

Elysa Jones, Chair

OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee


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