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Subject: FW: CAP Element tags in languages other than English

From Eliot Christian regarding CAP tags.  Please consider in the CAP SC and possibly future practices guide.  Elysa


Dear Elysa,


The "CAP Editor" tool for creating and publishing CAP alerts (available at https://cap.alert-hub.org) supports 19 languages in addition to English. However, the published CAP alerts have been displayed thus far through a stylesheet that only has CAP element tags in English (i.e., "Identifier", "Message Type",  "Sender", "Sender Name", Area Description", etc.). For the public, a CAP alert ought to be displayed through a language-specific stylesheet. 


So, I need to develop translated text for each of the CAP element tags. I am open to advice form anyone who has dealt with this already; you can see my current drafts at the links given below. An example of a test CAP alert using a stylesheet with my draft translated tags can be seen here for Arabic and here for Spanish.






Arabic  https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/ar/translation.json
Chinese https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/zh/translation.json
Dutch https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/nl/translation.json
French https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/fr/translation.json
Italian https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/it/translation.json
Malay https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/ms/translation.json
Mongolian https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/mn/translation.json
Nepali https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/np/translation.json
Persian https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/fa/translation.json
Portuguese  https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/pt/translation.json
Russian https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/ru/translation.json
Sesotho https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/st/translation.json
Shona https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/sn/translation.json
Sinhala https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/si/translation.json
Spanish https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/es/translation.json
Swahili https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/sw/translation.json
Tamil https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/ta/translation.json
Vietnamese https://cap-stylesheets.s3.amazonaws.com/vi/translation.json

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