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Subject: CAP-SC Outreach communication



I have made edits to the letter to CBC vendors.  The draft was first posted by Mark with edits from Jacob upon review from the SC members.  As I plan the outreach to ATIS, ITU and individual Countries, I thought it best for these letters to come from me introducing the effort and Mark as our editor.  Please have a look at the modified letter to the CBC vendors for and changes/agreement at the meeting today https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-cap/download.php/70140/Dear%20CBC%20Vendors%20edits%20accepted.doc.


Additionally, there is a file posted in the CAP SC Contributions folder by Mike Gerber 7/6/2022.  The ATIS document is included at



The first page disclaimer from ATIS states:


ATIS is pleased to provide this document to the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee for the purposes of standards making only. Please seek permission before including or reproducing any excerpts from this document; a form to request permission from ATIS to republish/use text from ATIS deliverables is accessible here. The distribution of this document must be limited to OASIS members. ATIS requests that OASIS take all reasonable steps to protect against unauthorized access and use, including for example, by maintaining these documents in a password-protected area of its website.


Although access to the OASIS document repository is password protected, there are ways an interested party could access the document and perhaps download.  Consider removing the document or finding some way to protect otherwise.  Additional documents have been provided to individuals for the purpose of developing the Mobile Alerting Practice document and are not posted in the repository. 


I will only be available for the first half hour of the meeting today.  I would like to get agreement on the structure of the CBC vendor letter then I’ll adapt it for the others.


Thank you,


Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS

Emergency Management Technical Committee

Emergency Member Section Steering Committee


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