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Subject: OASIS SC IAEM Agenda Update

I've updated the IAEM workshop agenda based on the meeting Friday and included approximate times.  Please let me know your feedback on any changes.

- 9:00 AM Welcome to the attendees (Elysa)
- 9:02 AM Housekeeping: bathrooms, lunch, and recording of the meeting (Elysa)
- 9:05 AM Round-table introductions
- 9:15 AM Introduction to CAP (Jacob)
- 9:30 AM What is wireless alerting and why do I want it? (Tom)
- 10:15 AM Coffee Break
- 10:30 AM How wireless networks are designed and how wireless alerting really works (Mark)
- 12:00 PM Lunch Break
- 1:00 PM Hints and tips for getting the best from WEA ATIS document review (Mike)
- 2:30 PM Alert Origination and WEA Insights (Elysa/Mike/FEMA?)
- 2:45 PM Coffee Break
- 3:00 PM Review of the OASIS MAP draft (Mark)
- 3:30 PM Questions, discussions, and wrap-up

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