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emergency-chair message

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Subject: Request to join Emergency Management TC

As Chair of the EM TC, please let me be the first to welcome you to the group and say thank you for your interest! You may have already started reading about the TC, which will give you a great head start on our efforts. If you have not, here are a couple of links to help get you started. 

* Main Site: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/emergency 
* Call For Participation, which includes Charter: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200301/msg00000.html 

Please note that there are requirements (see the section on "Duties of the TC Secretary, and Membership Rules" at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/guidelines.php#duties_officers) to become a voting member - currently you are a prospective member. Once you are a member, you must attend the meetings on a regular basis (2 out of every 3). If things come up, which they do, that cause you to miss two or more meetings out of 3, then please just let our Secretary, Cathy Subatch (csubatch@eteam.com), and myself know. 

While these rules of order are in place to make sure we are able to continue doing business and move the ball down the field, there are some options and some latitude on how to handle unexpected items.

Again, welcome and please let Rick (Vice Chair), Cathy (Secretary), or myself know if you have any questions!


R. Allen Wyke
Chair, Emergency Management TC

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