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Subject: Re: [emergency-gis] RE: Notes from today's teleconference

Sounds good to me, Carl,


Carl Reed wrote:
> Any comments before I post to the EM TC GIS archives appreciated
> Thanks
> Carl
> Rob, Gary, Hans, Carl, Rex
> Discussion on the use of OASIS GML "where" profile and how to be used 
> in NIEM. Adaptor would be the proper approach.
> Discussion on linestring. Flat earth or geodesic. Flat earth as most 
> events are over a small area. Question of use cases and a linestring. 
> A number of use cases were identified (hurricane eye, tornado path, 
> route, flow of hazardous waste in a river). Then a discussion on 
> directionality. Application dependent.
> Units of measure: Should be mandatory. Need to include some guidance 
> along with some references. Guidance: Avoid multiple UoMs in the same 
> payload. Should we enumerate our own list?
> Is zero a valid distance/radius? No. Use a point geometry.
> Polygons - are islands in? Yes. Need to clarify language in document 
> about direction of coordinates on the exterior boundary and interior 
> boundary.
> Need to report this out of the SC and make it an official position of 
> the TC and move forward. We need to do this in two weeks time.
> Carl Reed, PhD
> CTO and Executive Director Specification Program
> The OGC: Helping the World to Communicate Geographically
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> "The important thing is not to stop questioning." -- Albert Einstein
> "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. Life 
> is either a daring adventure or nothing." -- Helen Keller

Rex Brooks
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Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
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