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Subject: My recommendations for EDXL-HAVE-v2.0-CSPRD Comments/Issues

Hi Everyone,

I've gone over the Comments/Issues in JIRA, beginning with Emergency 108 and ending with Emergency 123 and assembled my recommendations.

Hopefully this will help Monday's meeting go more quickly so we can get these issues handle in one go-round.





Emergency 108


Incorrect link: Section 4, lines 444-445


replace with https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/16399/


Emergency 109

Duplicates 108



Emergency 110


In edxl-have-v2.0.xsd replace: <xs:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:edxl:ciq:1.0:xpil" schemaLocation="./ImportedSchema/edxl_xPIL.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:edxl:ciq:1.0:xal" schemaLocation="./ImportedSchema/edxl_xAL.xsd"/>

with: <xs:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:edxl:ciq:1.0:xpil" schemaLocation="./ImportedSchema/edxl-xPIL.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:edxl:ciq:1.0:xal" schemaLocation="./ImportedSchema/edxl-xAL.xsd"/>

Replace the included ImportedSchema with correct .xsd files.

Change schema, replace ImportedSchema files

Emergency 111


Fix misstatement in Section 5 Conformance, line 648


Noted likely misstatement in Section 5.2 "Conformance as an EDXL-HAVE Message":

in paragraph (c), [line 648] the text reads:
[An XML 1.0 element is a conforming EDXL-HAVE-v2.0 Message if and only if:]

c) if its namespace name is "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:edxl:have:2.0", then its content [...]

I'm pretty sure this SHOULD be:

c) if its namespace name is "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:edxl:have:2.0", AND its content [...]

make change

Emergency 112


Fix typo Section 1.5 History, line 176

replace 'with greater efficiently and speed.'

with 'with greater efficiency and speed.'

Fix typo

Emergency 113


Fix typo Section 1.5, line 183

replace 'agencies proved that these standards-based data exchanged work by plugging into existing major live-'

with 'agencies proved that these standards-based data exchanges work by plugging into existing major live-'

Fix typo

Emergency 114


Fix typo in ‘occured’, Add the word 'view' to element: activityInPeriod Definition:

Section 4 line 466

replace 'Provides a set of summaries of activity that has occured in the indicated reporting period. This item is intended to provide a very high-level of facility activity.'

with 'Provides a set of summaries of activity that has occurred in the indicated reporting period. This item is intended to provide a very high-level view of facility activity.'


Fix typo, Add word ‘view’

Emergency 115


Resolve 'comment' (schema: edxl-have-2.0.xsd) v. 'remarks' (Section 4 Data Dictionary in specification document)

We have
<xs:element name="comment" type="FreeTextType" minOccurs="0"> which ultimately resolves to a LimitedText Type which preserves white space in free text in the schema many times and

'remarks' which resolves to xs:string in edxl-ct in the data dictionary many times.
We need to choose one or the other.



Comment/Issue was resolved. EM HAVE Subcommittee decided to retain element: comment and replace instances of 'remarks' with comment in Section 4 Data Dictionary

Emergency 116


Correct Definition of resourceInformation

Section 4, line 468

replace 'Staffing provides an indication of the staffing status and any needs or offers of this .'

with 'Information about non-staff resources (status, needs, availability for offer) for the facility.'


make change

Emergency 117


Fix typo Section 4, line 515

replace 'It reflects fully staffed and equipped beds. intention here is to provide an external view of where beds may be available in health network.'

with 'It reflects fully staffed and equipped beds. Intention here is to provide an
external view of where beds may be available in health network.'

Fix typo

Emergency 118


Fix typo section 4, line528

replace '<resourceOffers>'

with '<resourceOffer>'

Fix typo

Emergency 119


Insert missing word 'allow' in Definition of 'alternateCodeValue'

Section 4, line 552

replace 'Providing the ValueListURI and Value will mapping of external systems to the base HAVE Triage colour codes.'

with 'Providing the ValueListURI and Value will allow mapping of external systems to the base HAVE Triage colour codes.'


insert word ‘allow’

Emergency 120


Fix typo section 4, line 588

replace: 'sending system to provide specialize SRS coordinates.'

with: 'sending system to provide specialized SRS coordinates.'

Fix typo

Emergency 121


Add missing word ‘community’, add end-parenthesis

Section 4, line 590

replace '(Traffic levels are high enough to warrant notifying the that the facility is experiencing higher than expected traffic.'

with '(Traffic levels are high enough to warrant notifying the community that the facility is experiencing higher than expected traffic.)'


Add missing word ‘community’, add end-parenthesis


Emergency 122


Replace Definition of Pediatric TraumaCenterType

Section 4, line 631

replace: 'General comment/summary on all of the operations.'

with: 'Pediatric Trauma Center details.'


make change

Emergency 123


Add Darrell O'Donnell as Editor to Revision History and amend date to reflect date of document.


make change

This should help Monday's meeting go more quickly so we can get these issues handled in one go-round.

Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
1361 Addison St. Apt. A
Berkeley, CA 94702
Phone: 510-898-0670 

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