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Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2004.02.10

[F2F Meeting]
Allen provides reminder to group about booking rooms, etc. Eliot asks 
if there is a dialin number - Allen will check.

Will focus on the issues that we talked about and made decisions 
about...Allen just updated group on items already addressed.

#2 (Summary): We will use summary in the spec.

#3 (Related Work): Art mentions the closet may be IEEE 1512, but Tom 
mentions he is on that not going down that road. Seems there are no 
known efforts working on this type of standard, and we will continue to 
interact with groups that do have related standards. Some additional 
talk about coordinating with other groups within DHS, etc., but that 
has to do with go forward relationships and working together 
(collaboration), and not specifically about these groups currently 
working on efforts similar to CAP.

#4 (Certification): Gary will check on his end (DMIS) to make sure they 
can certify (its a formality on their part). Rob will send on behalf of 
E Team. Eliot is going to see if anyone in Interior is using he, he can 

#6 (Ratifying Final Doc/Spec): had successful vote. Tom, Gary, Rob, 
Rex, Rick, Andre, Kwasi, Art, and Eliot voted yes, and Allen abstained.

#8 (Links to Lists): all we need to do is provide links to the actual 
lists, not links to each of the individual comments. The links are:

EM TC List:

EM TC Comment List:

MSG SC List:

MSG SC Comment List:



[IF SC Update]
Crafting response to TC in what they have done to date, and what they 
are working on now. Will try to shoot out by end of week.

Tom is working on ICS 201 to get coordinated. Touching base with IEEE 
1512 group - no response yet though.

Rex has gotten hooked up with most of the right people in regards to a 
registry. It is somewhat looking like we may want to have our own 
("own" means "recommended list/entry/registry"). Still looking into. 
Eliot said he mentioned this to the eGov TC, and they seemed VERY 
excited about the EM TC.


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