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Subject: Fwd: CAP usage certification (DMIS)

 From Gary....been having some slowness in getting email from this 
account. This should take care of the final item. I will get everything 
together and send to OASIS shortly.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Ham, Gary A" <hamg@BATTELLE.ORG>
> Date: February 12, 2004 7:51:02 PM EST
> To: "R. Allen Wyke" <emergency-tc@earthlink.net>
> Subject: CAP usage certification
> I still cannot send e-mail directly to the TC because I failed to set 
> up the right address from the start, so Please pass to the Committee 
> list:
> I af been authorized by the Disaster Management Government Program 
> manager to release the following to OASIS:
> "The Disaster Management Program is committed to using the OASIS 
> developed Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) standard.  Disaster 
> Management Interoperability Services (DMIS) has implemented an 
> information sharing interface that allows the interchange of CAP 
> messages between multiple different commercial and government alerting 
> applications where those applications adhere to DMIS authorization and 
> security rules. DisasterHelp.com has implemented the ability to 
> retrieve and display CAP messages from multiple sources using the DMIS 
> interoperability interface."
> Thanks,
> Gary Ham

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